By the power in the blood of Jesus, I repent of any wrong doing of my fathers, in Jesus name.My Father, thank You for loving me by revealing where I need to take heed, in Jesus name.By the power of the Holy Ghost, I _(put your name)_, shall not fail God where my predecessors failed him, in Jesus name.By the power of the Holy Ghost, I shall not follow the wrong steps of any of my predecessors, in Jesus name.I refuse to stand or build on any evil platform erected by any of my fathers, in Jesus name.By the mercies of God, where others in my lineages have failed to please God, I shall please Him exemplarily, in Jesus name.By the power of the Holy Spirit and blood of Jesus, I declare this month my month of divine accomplishments, in Jesus name.As 8 stands for new beginning, from today, I shall begin to move from glory unto higher glory, in Jesus name.