National President of The Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN), Emeka Rollas, says the Guild pulled out of the Federation of Registered Nollywood Guilds and Associations (FRENGAN), due to concerns around welfare of members.
In a letter he addressed to the leadership of FREGAN, Rollas explained that the guild’s decision to exit from the federation reached after a careful consideration of suggestions and opinions expressed by members and stakeholders on the guild’s membership of the body.
He continued, “However since filmmaking is a collaborative effort, we shall continue to support and promote sound and articulate industrial relationships among all the guilds and associations.
“We shall continue to uphold fair contractual practices and a regulatory environment to improve the livelihoods of our members whilst making the future of our industry more sustainable,” the letter stated.
FRENGAN is the umbrella body of all registered guilds in Nigeria’s film industry, with the Association of Movie Producers (AMP) and Directors Guild of Nigeria (DGN) as some of its members.