In every affair.
And in every transaction Of human life.
There was a need for accountability that cuts across the board.
Especially when this involves the biggest office in the land.
The Office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is no joke, As one that is admirable and comes with a lot of responsibility.
So, the recent hullabaloo, As regards the certificate of the president of Nigeria raises a lot of questions.
A lot of watchers have talked about the fact that law is different from sentiments. And people have also opined that our country should be run on laws.
But the truth has to be said, there is also a morality to every office possible. The morality is what guides our engagements?
Just imagine a society. There’s no rule of law. There is no right or wrong. That society will be dead on arrival.
Hence the question. Why is it such a big deal for the president of a country to release his University certificates?. Why do we need to go through this legal rigmarole for the certificate?
In a society where accountability is the order of the day, we must set standards. And these standards must be upheld.
Standards of morality and standards of accountability.
In arguing the matter.
Some political commentators have said there is no need for a leader to provide his University certificate as it is not a requirement based on the Nigerian law, that the requirement is only an equivalence of a secondary school certificate.
Some have also enunciated The case of Barack Obama.
Espousing that when Barack Obama was asked for his school certificate. He defended it. I must repeat That is not true. An Individual from the birther movement subpoena occidental college, the school Barack Obama went to before going to Colombia to supply his certificates. And the case was thrown out in court because it lacked merits and the court charged the Individual $4,000,because of the frivolousness of the matter.
So the argument that Barack Obama tried to defend the release of his university records does not hold water.
All in all, it is incumbent for us to be able to see for ourselves,What is in this certificate?
And the earlier the court rules on the matter so we can have closure, the better. Apart from all of this, Nigeria is still inundated with a lot of challenges like the situation of the foreign exchange markets, and all the economic challenges Nigeria is currently facing which in my estimation are debilitating on the poor, but, this matter is also important, because it’s borders on integrity of the seat of the president of the federal Republic of Nigeria. In about a week’s time, we will definitely get a resolution and the court will rule for or against, but what is most important is our resolve as a country to allow morality and the certain level of decorum, be our watchword