Gwo Gwo Ngwo: A metaphor for Nigerians and corrupt leadership.
Every riveting folk music is always embedded with intricate meanings that can only be deciphered with introspection.
The trending folk song by The great Gentleman Mike, is only a reminder that if the people do not hold our leaders accountable, we will never end the dance of deception.
The folk song talks about how the tortoise deceived the elephant and today the people are constantly deceived.
Isn’t it shocking that the same politicians that condemned subsidy removal in 2012 were the very first to remove subsidy and cause untold hardship for Nigerians.
Isn’t it shocking that the same people that castigated Jonathan for not fighting insecurity have not been able to fight insecurity, our headlines are dominated by stories of killings and disaster.
The same politicians that condemned the Jonathan government for corruption now have many cases unaddressed—- have we forgotten the issue of the humanitarian minister.
The interesting tale of the folk song is that the tortoise have mastered the act of deception and it keeps exploiting the elephant.
Isn’t it obvious that despite the poor performance and hunger in the land, the same Nigerians will be made to vote for the same corrupt politicians in 2027 and by then they will make promises they cant keep.
When will our eyes open?
Very soon, they will start making promises like the did in 2023,
Remember they promised 6% economic growth
Provision of CNG buses
Over 100,000 hectares to be cultivated
Loans for businesses
but like the tortoise they have only bought cars for themselves, paid themselves hardship allowance and increased their lifestyle at the expense of suffering Nigerians.
Gwo Gwo Gwo Ngwo (Enyi Ga Achi) (Lyrics) Parts!
Ka ana kpo chairman
Gwo gwo gwo ngwo x3
Nna m Eze akpata m enyi x2
Nwa mbe isi ni kpata onye?
Asi m ani ya dube enyi chebe enyi
Nwa mbe isi ni kpata onye?
Asi m ani ya dube enyi chebe enyi
Odi ka asi nkpata m onye x2
Akwa enyi ga abu isi oche x2
Enyi naga na anyi so gi nazu x2
A king had promised that whoever could bring a large animal like the elephant to him alive would marry his daughter. As no animal could, Mr. Tortoise told Elephant that he (Mr. Elephant) was to be the Leader of the King’s event. Delighted, Elephant agreed. As he was too slow, they mutually agreed that the Elephant should carry him. Not to fall off, he opted for a rope tied around the neck of the elephant and as they approached the venue, he descended and handed over the elephant to the king, and he married the King’s daughter.
Shine ya Eye!