Renowned journalist Rufai Oseni is set to organize a medical outreach in his hometown of Odogbolu, scheduled for June 29th.
The outreach will take place at two venues: the Oseni Centre Library on Oyinkansola Cole street and the Oseni Health Hub off Grammar School Road.
He made this known today via his X account.
The medical outreach promises to offer free health screenings, health counseling, and various goodies for attendees.
Oseni is seeking partnerships with corporate sponsors and individuals to support the project, which aims to provide free eye screenings and glasses to those in need.
As part of his philanthropic efforts in Odogbolu, Oseni has instituted several social and charitable initiatives in the town including trainings for teachers and a community Library.
This upcoming medical outreach is a continuation of his commitment to giving back to his community.
Those interested in contributing medical materials for the outreach can contact Eddy at +234 902 881 2865.
Oseni, known for his journalism career, has consistently used his platform to champion important causes and initiatives that benefit society.