February 29th only shows up on our calendars once every four years. On this Leap Day 2024, Google commemorated the occasion with an animated doodle of a leaping frog. What significance does this extra day hold?

Key Details of the Leap Year
– Leap Day accounts for the extra hours in Earth’s 365.2422 day solar orbit, keeping the calendar synchronized with the seasons.
– Julius Caesar instituted leap years, inspired by ancient Egyptian solar calendars with a leap day every four years.
Cultural Folklore and Traditions
– In Ireland and Finland, women take the leap to propose marriage on this day, balancing traditional gender roles. Men who refuse must compensate by buying the woman skirt fabric.
– Those born on February 29th are called “leaplings” and often celebrate their birthdays on February 28th or March 1st during common years.
– Some associate leap years with bad luck – in Greece, it’s considered an unlucky wedding day, while Italian superstition warns it may bring misfortune. However, some Italians counter this with frog-themed Leap Day festivals meant to bring good luck.
Leap Day in Nigeria
– A Notable Nigerian leapling is singer Korede Bello, born February 29th.
– Some Nigerians believe leap years raise the likelihood of impactful or harmful events occurring.
Around 5 million people worldwide share the distinct experience of having been born on February 29th. Though creating some logistical challenges, this quadrennial alignment ensures our calendars stay in sync with Earth’s movements.