Arise TV Journalist, Rufai Oseni has come under attacks by some yet to be identified policemen over his remarks that the police should not be moved from the Contributory Pension Scheme to the Police Pension Board.
Oseni had argued that President Bola Tinubu should not sign the police pension board bill as it does not have the same level of accountability as the CPS and that it would cost the Federal Government about two trillion naira at a tike when Nigeria barely has the resources for such.
However, shortly after Oseni on his twitter page started displaying threats received from some unidentified policemen and sympathisers who faulted his submission.
He confirmed the threats in a tweet, “It’s so sad to say I have received many calls mostly from police officers over my analysis on the pension bill, mostly abusing an threatening. Only one was polite enough ask for a debate and we had a good talk.We have lost our society.”
One twitter User with a Uniformed policeman as his display picture, Daniel Ojechemba wrote, “E go red for you soon”. Red represents a warning sign of impending danger.
Oseni went on to share other pictures of threats received from Officers and sympathisers.
The Police is yet to react to the issues raised by Oseni.
What Is the Police Pension Board Bill?
The Police Pension Bill, 2022, is a bill that was passed by the Nigerian Senate on March 8, 2023. The bill seeks to establish a Police Pension Board to oversee the administration of police pensions in Nigeria. The bill also seeks to provide for the payment of pensions to retired police officers and their dependants.
The bill was passed in response to the widespread corruption and mismanagement of police pensions. Police retirees had cried out to the National Assembly to quickly pass the bill before it to enable them to exit from the contributory pension scheme to offer the same ease said to be enjoyed by retired military personnel in processing their pensions and gratuities.
The bill is now awaiting assent from President Bola Tinubu.
What is Rufai’s Argument?
Rufai Oseni argues against the Police Pension Board Bill, 2022, noting that it is unnecessary and will not solve the problems facing police pensions in Nigeria.
In his analysis, he referenced the problems retired railway workers experienced in obtaining their benefits long after they were retired because Government “had no money to pay”.
Oseni has also argued that the bill will not solve the problems facing police pensions in Nigeria because it does not address the root causes of the problems which includes corruption, mismanagement and lack of transparency.
He added that it would cost the federal government an additional N2 trillion in pension liabilities for the 300,000 police personnel which means that Government, at a time when it is struggling to raise it’s revenues and meet debt servicing responsibilities, may as well default on paying pensions which would throw retired police officers into more hardship.
Oseni simply echoes the thoughts of other stakeholders who insist that based on past experiences, government taking full responsibility under the defined benefit scheme would lead to irregular pension payments because of budgetary constraints.